Biology, 04.07.2019 14:30 allisonklinger1786

The original source of energy for the pyramid is the sun or

Answers: 1

Another question on Biology

Biology, 22.06.2019 00:00
The table below shows the number of foot bones in some horse fossil recordhorse fossil number of foot bonesp 19q 17r 24s 13ancient horses had more bones in their foot then present-day horses. the present-day horse has 11 foot bones. what is the correct order of evolution of the horse starting from the youngest fossil? a. q p r s b. s r p q c. s q p r d. r p q s
Answers: 3
Biology, 22.06.2019 01:30
Twin boys have girlfriends one of the couples have a baby would the dna of the lil baby be the same as the couples dna bc the boys are identical twins
Answers: 1
Biology, 22.06.2019 09:30
Juan and carol were studying invertebrates in biology. they knew that segmented or earth worms preferred a dark, moist habitat. during this lab, they would be investigating the responses of organisms called planaria or dugesia tigrina. these were simple flatworms that still had a one-way digestive system and a very simple nervous system. juan and carol placed the planaria in a petri dish containing cool, distilled water that was partially covered with black paper. they shined a light on the dish. next, they removed the paper and placed a small amount of chicken liver at one end of the dish. they added a few large salt crystals to the water. finally, they added drops of hot water to the cool water in the petri dish. their results can be seen in the data table. according to their experiment, all but one conclusion is valid.
Answers: 1
Biology, 22.06.2019 10:00
Which substance contains thylakoids? a) nadph b)atp c)stroma d)chloroplast
Answers: 2
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The original source of energy for the pyramid is the sun or...
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