Biology, 23.10.2019 17:30 cutebab4786

Alligators are predators that live in the florida everglades. a scientist is using a computer model to determine whether the alligator is a
keystone species in the everglades. the graph shows the population of aligators in one of the computer simulations
population of
alligators (simulation)
percentage of population
compared to year 0
the simulation also provides data for many other everglades species. which of these results would provide the strongest evidence that the
aligator is a keystone species?

Answers: 1

Another question on Biology

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C, h, o - elements that are common to biomolecules. if the biomolecule in question is a protein these elements also combine with nitrogen. which molecule below is a protein?
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Biology, 21.06.2019 18:30
Which of the following represents the chemical reaction of hydrazine and hydrogen peroxide to produce nitrogen and water? a. nitrogen + hydrogen peroxide → hydrazine + water b. nitrogen + water → hydrazine + hydrogen peroxide c. hydrazine + hydrogen peroxide → nitrogen + water d. water + hydrogen peroxide → nitrogen + hydrazine
Answers: 3
Biology, 21.06.2019 20:00
Part a - prefixes, roots, and suffixes match these prefixes, suffixes and roots to their meanings. phospho- angio- -uria -tropic -phag- a. the word root means blood or lymph vessels. b. the word root means urine. c. the word root means feeding or eating. d. the word root means phosphate or phosphorus. e. the word root means attracted specifically to the specified organ or tissue. part b – match these vocabulary terms to their meanings. gonadotropic polyuria angiotensin ii polyphagia phosphodiesterase upon the release of renin, is produced and stimulates vasoconstriction and the release of aldosterone. fsh and lh are examples of hormones, which target the ovaries or testes. an enzyme that degrades second messengers like camp or cgmp is . overproduction of urine, or , is a sign of diabetes mellitus. overeating, or , is a sign associated with diabetes mellitus.
Answers: 2
Biology, 22.06.2019 00:30
Which type of scientific statement is defined as a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that can be accepted as true based on the repeated experimentation with similar results
Answers: 3
You know the right answer?
Alligators are predators that live in the florida everglades. a scientist is using a computer model...
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