Biology, 18.02.2021 18:10 cheervolley

Duplicate chromosomes line up (in a single line) during metaphase

Answers: 3

Another question on Biology

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Study the diagram of a desert food chain . what would most likely happen if the kangaroo rats were killed off and removed from the food chain ?
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Biology, 22.06.2019 01:30
In a classic experiment using pea shape, mendel conducted two separate genetic crosses. in the first cross the parent plants were “true breeding” for pea shape; one had round peas ( r )and the other had wrinkled (r). the first cross produced a filial 1 generation of all round peas. in the second cross, mendel bred plants from the filial 1 generation. this cross produced different results. out of approximately 1000 plants, about 75% were round and 25% were wrinkled.
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Biology, 22.06.2019 11:00
Membrane vesicles containing an internal sodium chloride (nacl) concentration of 0.14 m are placed into separate beakers each containing a different solution. the first beaker contains 0.14 m sucrose, while the second beaker contains 0.14 m calcium chloride (cacl2). the temperature is 25°c. what is the solute potential inside the vesicles, expressed in units of mpa?
Answers: 2
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Duplicate chromosomes line up (in a single line) during metaphase...
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