Business, 13.07.2019 04:30 makaylahunt

Allison has been hired to work for an auto repair business. she is twenty-four years old. the auto repair business employs fifty employees. allison is paid a salary and is not eligible for overtime pay under federal law. besides the right of not being discriminated against, what government-required benefits will allison be eligible for and who will pay for these benefits?

Answers: 1

Another question on Business

Business, 22.06.2019 08:30
Match the given situations to the type of risks that a business may face while taking credit. 1. beta ltd. had taken a loan from a bank for a period of 15 years, but its sales are gradually showing a decline. 2. alpha ltd. has taken a loan for increasing its production and sales, but it has not conducted any research before making this decision. 3. delphi ltd. has an overseas client. the economy of the client’s country is going through severe recession. 4. delphi ltd. has taken a short-term loan from the bank, but its supply chain logistics are not in place. a. foreign exchange risk b. operational risk c. term of loan risk d. revenue projections risk
Answers: 3
Business, 22.06.2019 11:30
4.     chef a says that broth should be brought to a boil. chef b says that broth should be kept at an even, gentle simmer. which chef is correct? a. neither chef is correct. b. chef a is correct. c. both chefs are correct. d. chef b is correct. student c   incorrect which is right answer
Answers: 2
Business, 22.06.2019 11:50
Select the correct answer. ramon applied to the state university in the city where he lives, but he was denied admission. what should he do now? a.change his mind about graduating and drop out of high school so he can start working right away. b. decide not to go to college, because he didn’t have a backup plan. c.stay positive and write a mean letter to let the college know that they made a bad decision. d. learn from this opportunity, reevaluate his options, and apply to his second and third choices.
Answers: 2
Business, 22.06.2019 17:50
Which of the following statements is true of unsought products? as compared to convenience products, unsought products are purchased more frequently. unsought products are consumer products and services that customers usually buy frequently, immediately, and with minimal comparison and buying effort. a life insurance policy is an example of an unsought product. unsought products have strong brand identification for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort. unsought products are those products purchased for further processing or for use in conducting a business.
Answers: 2
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Allison has been hired to work for an auto repair business. she is twenty-four years old. the auto r...
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