Chemistry, 30.03.2021 22:40 zriggi2528

Made up of 92% hydrogen and almost 8% helium
what is the word I really need help

Answers: 2

Another question on Chemistry

Chemistry, 22.06.2019 04:20
Which of the following is true for the actual yield of a reaction? it is always calculated as a ratio. it is the yield from the excess reactant. it is the yield from the limiting reactant. it is always less than the theoretical yield.
Answers: 1
Chemistry, 22.06.2019 12:50
The number at the end of an isotope’s name is the number.
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Chemistry, 22.06.2019 14:50
Given the following information: mass of proton = 1.00728 amu mass of neutron = 1.00866 amu mass of electron = 5.486 × 10^-4 amu speed of light = 2.9979 × 10^8 m/s calculate the nuclear binding energy (absolute value) of 3li^6. which has an atomic mass of 6.015126 amu. j/mol.
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Chemistry, 23.06.2019 02:00
Butane gas reacts with oxygen gas to give carbon dioxide gas and water vapor (gas). if you mix butane and oxygen in the correct stoichiometric ratio, and if the total pressure of the mixture is 390 mmhg, what is the pressure (in mmhg) of water vapor after the reaction is completed (temperature and volume do not change).
Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
Made up of 92% hydrogen and almost 8% helium
what is the word I really need help...
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