Computers and Technology, 04.03.2020 02:26 pcartei

Can you figure out by considering an erd for a university that has a superclass of EMPLOYEE with two subclasses, FACULTY and STAFF. The entity class EMPLOYEE has an attribute of type. The attribute type serves as the only constraint that determines whether or not a record is FACULTY or STAFF. Choose the most appropriate description for the relationship between the subclasses and the superclass. Find out which right: a. Subclasses are representative as attribute defined specialization b. Subclasses are representative of a user defined specialization. c. Subclasses are not classified as a specialization

Please figure out by Considering an ERD for a university that keeps track of a superclass of STUDENTS that has two subclasses: GRADUATE and UNDERGRADUATE. The GRADUATE subclass has two of its own subclasses: TEACHING_ASSISTANT and RESEARCH_ASSISTANT. The graduate students at this university are expected to serve as either a TA or an RA, but cannot serve as both at the same time. Select the terms that best describe this specialization. Can you guess which is right? a. Total and disjoint. b. Partial & overlapping c. Total & overlapping. Get the correct response.

Answers: 2

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 02:50
Define a class named movie. include private fields for the title,year, and name of the director. include three public functions withprototypes void movie: : settitle(cstring); , voidmovie: : setyear(int); , void movie: : setdirector(string); . includeanother function that displays all the information about a movie.write a main() function that declares a movie object namedmyfavoritemovie. set and display the object's fields.this is what i have but know its wrong since it will notcompile: #include#includeusing namespace std; //class declarationclass movie{private: string movietitle ; string movieyear; string directorname; public: void settitle(string title); void setyear(string year); void setdirector(string director); void displayinfo(); }; //class implementationvoid movie: : settitle(string title){ movietitle = title; cout< < "what is the title of themovie? "< > temp; myfavoritemovie.settitle(temp); cout< < "enter movie year"< > temp; myfavoritemovie.setyear(temp); cout< < "enter director'sname"< > temp; myfavoritemovie.setdirector(temp); //display all the data myfavoritemovie.displayinfo(); system("pause"); return 0; this code is not entirely mine someone on cramster edited my firstcode but then i try manipulating the new code and i still get acompile error message : \documents\visual studio 2008\projects\movie\movie\movie.cpp(46) : error c2679: binary '< < ' : no operator found which takes aright-hand operand of type 'std: : string' (or there is no acceptableconversion)c: \program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio9.0\vc\include\ostream(653): could be'std: : basic_ostream< _elem,_traits> & std: : operator< < > (std: : basic_ostream< _elem,_traits> & ,const char *)w
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 18:00
While inserting images, the picture command is usually used to insert photos from a digital camera, and the clip art command is usually used to a.edit the sizes and other characteristics of photos that have been inserted. b.take a screenshot of an image and copy it to the clipboard for pasting. for drawings or other images from a library of prepared pictures. d.make illustrations using lines and shapes that are easy to manipulate.
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 18:40
How does is make you feel when you're kind to others? what are some opportunities in your life to be more kind to your friends and loved ones? imagine a world where kindness has be outlawed. how would people act differently? would your day-to-day life change significantly? why or why not?
Answers: 2
Computers and Technology, 24.06.2019 09:00
Why might you chose to crest a function resume
Answers: 1
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Can you figure out by considering an erd for a university that has a superclass of EMPLOYEE with two...
Mathematics, 22.07.2019 16:30
Mathematics, 22.07.2019 16:30
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