
Title: Composer: Artist (if known): MUSICAL ELEMENTS RHYTHM & TEMPO: rhythm: even, uneven, long, short, rests, duple, triple, quadruple, pulsing, driving, repeated, syncopation tempo: slow, fast, frantic, peaceful, moderate, accel., a tempo, ritard MELODY: pitch- treble, bass, high, low, middle, mixed range, ascending, descending, melody-conjunct, disjunct, steps & leaps, short or long phrases, arch, wave, vivid motif, theme HARMONY & TEXTURE: harmony-melody, accompaniment, rich, sparse, monophonic, polyphonic, homophonic, consonance, dissonance, block chords, broken chords, resolution texture-dense, thin, thick, medium, heavy, light, sparse. few/many instruments TONALITY: tonality-major, minor, combo, changing, indistinct, bright, happy, dark, somber, other DYNAMICS & ARTICULATION: dynamics-loud, soft, mezzo, crescendo, decrescendo articulation-staccato, clipped, legato, smooth large contrasts, little contrast TIMBRE: bright, brilliant, clear, deep, heavy, warm, reedy, thin, breathy, piercing, harsh, mellow, dark, light, airy FORM & STRUCTURE: theme, section, A, B, C..., phrase, verse, strophic, binary, ternary, antecedent, consequent, restatement, introduction, bridge CONTEXT: place and time, background info, purpose PERSONAL RESPONSE PHYSICAL: How did the music affect my body? How would I characterize the sound of the music to my ears? EMOTIONAL: How did the music make me feel? What mood does the music create? What activity would this music reinforce? INTELLECTUAL: What mental image did the music bring to mind? Is there a specific memory I associate with this music? What else did I think about as I concentrated on the music? OVERALL PERCEPTION TWO-WORD DESCRIPTION: Describe the music using only two concise descriptive words. RATING: Rate the music and give a reason for your rating. 5 - Greatly enjoyed 4 - Somewhat enjoyed 3 - Neither enjoyed nor disliked 2 - Somewhat disliked 1 - Greatly disliked

Answers: 3

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Title: Composer: Artist (if known): MUSICAL ELEMENTS RHYTHM & TEMPO: rhythm: even, uneven, lo...
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