
True or false if the break warning light comes on as you apply the foot-brake pedal, it indicates that the brake pads are worn out.

Answers: 1

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 11:30
Hassan is writing his master’s thesis, which is a thirty-page document. he received some feedback from his professor in the form of comments, but does not see where the comments are. what is the fastest way for hassan to find the feedback?
Answers: 3
Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 16:20
Consider the following statements, then select one of the answers below: the signal() function shown below registers "sig_handler()" as the signal handler function for the sigkill signal, without the complexity of using when the sigkill signal is sent to a process running this code, by a user typing "kill -kill ", where the correct process id is used for to target the process, sig_handler() will be executed.
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 22:00
Perform the following tasks: a. create a class named testclass that holds a single private integer field and a public constructor. the only statement in the constructor is one that displays the message “constructing”. write a main()function that instantiates one object of the testclass. save the file as testclass.cpp in the chapter 08 folder. run the program and observe the results. b. write another main()function that instantiates an array of 10 testclass objects. save the file as test class array.c . run this program and observe the results.
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 01:00
Petrică, tânăr licean în clasa a ix-a, a primit în dar de la părinţii săi un cont bancar pentru micile sale cheltuieli curente. el este pasionat de internet banking şi îşi verifică cu grijă toate tranzacţiile efectuate. pentru creşterea securităţii tranzacţiilor online, banca îi furnizează lui petrică un număr pe care el va trebui să îl modifice, obţinând un număr tan – număr de autentificare a tranzacţiei (transaction authentication number). regula de obţinere a numărului tan este următoarea: se formează cel mai mic număr par din toate cifrele numărului furnizat de bancă. cerinţă cunoscând numărul n furnizat de bancă, să se determine numărul tan obţinut de petrică. date de intrare fişierul conţine pe prima linie numărul natural n cu semnificaţia din enunţ. date de ieşire fişierul de ieşire tan.out va conţine o singură linie pe care va fi scris numărul tan cerut. restricţii • 0 < n < 18*1018 • n are cel puţin o cifră pară • numărul tan obţinut nu poate conţine zerouri nesemnificative
Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
True or false if the break warning light comes on as you apply the foot-brake pedal, it indicates th...
Mathematics, 29.10.2019 09:31
Mathematics, 29.10.2019 09:31
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