
Assume that a file contains students’ ids, full names, and their scores (Assignments grade, quizzes grade, Midterm grade, Practical exam grade, and final exam grade) (each column is separated by $). You are required to write a C program to do the following:  Using the concept of parallel arrays create records for students with above attributes (id, full name, score).(you are not allowed to use structure)  Ask the user to enter the input file name and read it (suppose that, there are different files you could read data from). Read the data from the file and store it in record for students, which has IDs, Names, and Scores. The IDs should be declared as integers, the Names as a two-dimensional array of characters and the Scores as doubles. Assume that the maximum length of full name of any student is 50 characters. Also, you may assume that there will be No more than a 1000 student records in the file.  Calculate the final grade as the flowing: Grade= (Assignment)*15%+(Quizzes) *15%+(Midterm exam) *25%+(Practical Exam) *10%+(Final) *35% Assuming that data in files are arranged in same order of the above equation with respect to grades Hint: read form file, calculate the final score, and store it in the record before going to the next step.  Display the following menu to the user and read the entered choice: 1) Sort data in ascending order according to students’ IDs and then display it. 2) Sort data in ascending order according to students’ names and then display it. 3) Sort data in descending order according to students’ scores and then display it. Note: After running any of the above menus items, ask the user if he/she would like to save the current result, if so, prompt user to enter file name. 4) Ask the user to enter a student ID and display his score 5) Ask the user to enter a student name and display his score 6) Exit the program  The program should keep displaying the menu until the user selects to exit from the program. Implement each of the first five menu options as a separate function. The attached

Answers: 3

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 21.06.2019 22:00
Matlab question: use switch and anythe lottery game matches three different integer numbers between 1 and 10. winning depends on how many matching numbers are provided by a player. the player provides three different integers between 1 and 10.if there is a match of all 3 numbers, the winning $ 1000.if there is a match with 2 numbers, the winning $ 10.if there is a match of all with 1 numbers, the winning $ 1.with no match, the winning is $0.write a function lottery3 that checks three numbers provided by a player and determine the winning amount. if the user mistakenly enters same number twice/thrice and if that number matches one of the winning numbers, the code should count that number only once and display correct result. the player doesn’t have to guess the order of numbers.the input to the function lottery3 can have up to two input arguments. the first input argument is a row array numbers with 3 numbers. if the second argument input testcode is present, and is a row vector of 3 values, the function lottery3 uses the code in testcode as the three winning numbers (the test must be three different integer numbers between 1 and 10), else three different numbers will be automatically generated by testcode.the ouput should return the variable winnings and the three winning numbers in the row array winnumbers.hint: make use of the internal function any.restriction: the function must use switch-case statements to determine the winning.example #1: winning = lottery3( [1,2,1],[1,2,3])produceswinning =10example #2: [winning,winnumbers] = lottery3( [1,2,3])produceswinning =3winnumbers =8 5 3
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Use a physical stopwatch to record the length of time it takes to run the program. calculate the difference obtained by calls to the method system.currenttimemillis() just before the start of the algorithm and just after the end of the algorithm. calculate the difference obtained by calls to the method system.currenttimemillis() at the start of the program and at the end of the program so that the elapsed time includes the display of the result. use the value returned by the method system.currenttimemillis() just after the end of the algorithm as the elapsed time.
Answers: 3
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Assume that a file contains students’ ids, full names, and their scores (Assignments grade, quizzes...
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