
Create a web page for a fictitious company: Widgets Inc. has hired you to make a mock-up for their new website. They are on a budget and only want to have a presence on the Internet. They do not need any fancy bells and whistles. They have sent you an email message with the basic parameters of the site. The site should have at least three pages. They should include the landing page (commonly named index. htm), a contact page, and a "Meet the Company" page.
Each page should have an identical header containing the company name and motto: "We make widgets fun!"
Each page must include navigation back to the home page (without needing to use the Back button on the browser).
All font styles and alignment must be performed with inline CSS.
The company mascot is a dog, but there is no logo provided in this project. Any picture of a dog will do. Make sure it is prominently displayed on each page.
Each page should display in a web browser with a title.
All employees on the "Meet the Company" page can be random people's photos from the Internet. Please include Jack Sprat, President, Tom Thumb, Vice President, Sally Flag, Treasurer, and Monty Fuller, Secretary.
All text for these pages can be fake. See this website to create filler paragraphs.
Make up email addresses, but use the mail to: command as a hyperlink and display the person's name and not the actual address.
Each page should have a link to the other pages.
Link to at least three remote web pages. One of these should be formatted in an iframe.
The main page should have a sample product table including the following information:

Create a web page for a fictitious company: Widgets Inc. has hired you to make a mock-up for their

Answers: 1

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Create a web page for a fictitious company: Widgets Inc. has hired you to make a mock-up for their n...
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