Engineering, 18.01.2021 03:30 markmoroney22

A wheelbarrow is used to lift a 200 lb loadThe length from the wheel axle to the center of the load is 2ft the length from the wheel and axle to the effort is 4.5 What is the ideal mechanical advantage

Answers: 3

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Engineering, 04.07.2019 03:10
What precautions should you take to prevent injuries when dealing with heavy loads?
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Engineering, 04.07.2019 18:10
Asingle-geared blanking press has a stroke of 200 mm and a rated capacity of 320 kn. a cam driven ram is assumed to be capable of delivering the full press load at constant force during the last 15 percent of a constant-velocity stroke. the camshaft has an average speed of 90 rev/min and is geared to the flywheel shaft at a 6: 1 ratio. the total work done is to include an allowance of 16 percent for friction a) estimate the maximum energy fluctuation b) find the rim weight for an effective diameter of 1.2 m and a coefficient of speed fluctuation of 0.10
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Engineering, 04.07.2019 18:10
Give heat transfer applications for the following, (i) gas turbines (propulsion) ) gas turbines (power generation). (iii) steam turbines. (iv) combined heat and power (chp). (v) automotive engines
Answers: 1
Engineering, 04.07.2019 18:10
For the closed feedwater heater below, feedwater enters state 3 at a pressure of 2000 psia and temperature of 420 °f at a rate of ix10 ibhr. the feedwat extracted steam enters state 1 at a pressure of 1000 psia and enthalpy of 1500 btu/lbm. the extracted er leaves at an enthalpy of 528.7 btu/lbm steam leaves as a saturated liquid. (16) a) determine the mass flow rate of the extraction steam used to heat the feedwater (10) b) determine the terminal temperature difference of the closed feedwater heater
Answers: 3
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A wheelbarrow is used to lift a 200 lb loadThe length from the wheel axle to the center of the load...
Mathematics, 25.07.2020 21:01
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