English, 09.12.2019 04:31 sierras0330

which of the following phrases does the author use to illustrate the concept of wisdom?

dear boy, bath, october the 4th, o. s. 1746.

though i employ so much of my time in writing to you, i confess i have often my doubts whether it is to any purpose. i know how unwelcome advice generally is; i know that those who want it most like it and follow it least; and i know, too, that the advice of parents, more particularly, is ascribed to the moroseness, the imperiousness, or the garrulity of old age. but then, on the other hand, i flatter myself, that as your own reason (though too young as yet to suggest much to you of itself) is, however, strong enough to enable you both to judge of and receive plain truths: i flatter myself, i say, that your own reason, young as it is, must tell you, that i can have no interest but yours in the advice i give you; and that, consequently, you will at least weigh and consider it well: in which case, some of it will, i hope, have its effect. do not think that i mean to dictate as a parent; i only mean to advise as a friend, and an indulgent one too: and do not apprehend that i mean to check your pleasures; of which, on the contrary, i only desire to be the guide, not the censor. let my experience supply your want of it, and clear your way in the progress of your youth of those thorns and briers which scratched and disfigured me in the course of mine. i do not, therefore, so much as hint to you how absolutely dependent you are upon me; that you neither have nor can have a shilling in the world but from me; and that, as i have no womanish weakness for your person, your merit must and will be the only measure of my kindness. i say, i do not hint these things to you, because i am convinced that you will act right upon more noble and generous principles; i mean, for the sake of doing right, and out of affection and gratitude to me.

i have so often recommended to you attention and application to whatever you learn, that i do not mention them now as duties, but i point them out to you as conducive, nay, absolutely necessary, to your pleasures; for can there be a greater pleasure than to be universally allowed to excel those of one's own age and manner of life? and, consequently, can there be anything more mortifying than to be excelled by them? in this latter case, your shame and regret must be greater than anybody's, because everybody knows the uncommon care which has been taken of your education, and the opportunities you have had of knowing more than others of your age. i do not confine the application which i recommend, singly to the view and emulation of excelling others (though that is a very sensible pleasure and a very i warrantable pride); but i mean likewise to excel in the thing itself: for, in my mind, one may as well not know a thing at all, as know it but imperfectly. to know a little of anything, gives neither satisfaction nor credit, but often brings disgrace or ridicule.

a.) "act right upon more noble and generous principles"
b.) "do not apprehend that i mean to check your pleasures"
c.) "your merit must and will be the only measure of my kindness"
d.) "can there be a greater pleasure than to be universally allowed to excel"
e.) "let my experience supply your want of it, and clear your way"

Answers: 2

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