English, 23.01.2020 18:31 getyoursmarts

Article a, an, the, and zero article quiz

1) i bought pair of shoes.

2) i saw movie last night.

3) they are staying at hotel.

4) look at woman over there! she is a famous actress.

5) i do not like basketball.

6) that is girl i told you about.

7) night is quiet. let's take a walk!

8) price of gas keeps rising.

9) john traveled to mexico.

10) juan is spanish.

Answers: 1

Another question on English

English, 21.06.2019 15:00
Choose the sentence with the correct subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement. a. martha spend her days gossiping with everyone who walks by. b. each of the ushers in the wedding had to wear his rented tuxedo. c. the marching band don't raise enough money for its trip to the rose bowl parade. d. neither my sister nor i was happy when her had to move last year.
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What inference can be made about the characters beliefs
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Wich statements best identifies a problem with this method
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English, 22.06.2019 00:30
Which sentence uses all its nominative case pronouns correctly? a we live on the same street b them and rachel are good skaters. c the redskins fans in the family are fred and me d have joanne and him played tennis together before?
Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
Article a, an, the, and zero article quiz

1) i bought pair of shoes.

2) i s...
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