English, 22.10.2020 23:01 brooke2337

ASAP ASAP thank you PLEASE Today 10/22 Thursday I NEED HELP 1,2,3,4 Go On COMMONLIT I NEED HELP 1,2,3,4 ASAP ASAP Today Thursday I NEED HELP I JUST NEED THE LETTER ASAP ASAP ASAP I NEED HELP Thursday 10/22I NEED HELP COMMONLIT LIFE ISN'T FAIR — DEAL WITH IT ASAP ASAP ASAPI NEED HELP I NEED HELP 10/22 Thursday I NEED HELP I NEED HELP I NEED HELP I NEED THE LETTER ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP 10/22 Thursday I need help on common lit 1,2,3,4 LIFE ISN'T FAIR — DEAL WITH IT I just need the letter ASAP ASAP 10/22 Thursday I need help on common lit 1,2,3,4LIFE ISN'T FAIR — DEAL WITH IT I just need the letter
ASAP ASAP I need help on common lit 1,2,3,4 I need the answer today 10/22 Thursday I need just need the letter I need the correct answer 1,2,3,4 LIFE ISN'T FAIR — DEAL WITH IT Thank You
1. Part A Which of the following best describes the tone of the article?
A. sympathetic and frim
B. curious and philosophical
C. excited and inspirational
D. frustrated and critical
2. Part B Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A?
A. ''My questions are these: What is fair? ( Paragraph 1)
B. ''I don't know dispute that exist. I don't even dispute that many have an uphill battle due to the severity of the challenges they face'' ( Paragraph 5)
C. ''Stories such as this are all around us- they are not miracles, nor are they the rare exception'' ( Paragraph 6)
D. Fair blends to a norm, and in doing so, it limits, inhibits, stifles, and restricts, all under the guise of balance and equality''. (Paragraph 7)
3. Which of the following statements best describes a central idea of the text?
A. Fairness is a recent concept when it comes to governing and life in general
B. Fairness is a subjective idea and not a natural characteristic of life
C. Those born into privilege are more likely to succeed than those born into poverty.
D. Younger generation have no appreciation for the sacrifices made for them
4. What is the author's most likely purpose for writing this article?
A. The author argues for less government interference among the wealthy and the poor, and for an end to welfare programs.
B. The author argues for parents to do less for their children so young Americans can learn the power of hard work and overcoming challenges
C. The author argues for greater recognition for hard-working individuals and fewer awards for failing individuals
D. The authors argues for an end to the fairness mindset because it hinders hard work and leads to an unhealthy sense of entitlement

Answers: 3

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ASAP ASAP thank you PLEASE Today 10/22 Thursday I NEED HELP 1,2,3,4 Go On COMMONLIT I NEED HELP 1,2,...
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