English, 06.12.2020 14:40 dinadenoirefan

Read the following article about the way in which deserts are expanding across the world. On the opposite page write a summary of the causes of the expansion of deserts.
Your summary should be about 100 words (and no more than 120 words). You should
use your own words as far as possible.
You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your summary, and up to 8 marks for the style
and accuracy of your language.
Deserts cover a third of the world's surface and thirteen
per cent of the world's population live in deserts. Today,
one of the major problems that the planet faces is the
expansion of deserts. This is a serious problem that
affects not only those countries in the direct path of the
expanding deserts, but also the rest of the world. To give
some idea of the scale of the problem, the last 50 years
have seen the Sahara desert spread southwards to cover
an extra 65 million hectares. Across the whole world, the area of useful land lost each year is more
than 6 million hectares.
The increase in desert land is caused by our planet's changing climate. The world is becoming
warmer and drier, and this means there is less water to support plants and animals. However, the
natural rate of desert growth has been greatly increased as a result of the exploitation of the land
by humans. The causes of this increase are similar in many ways to those that bring about
deforestation, and once again the chief offenders are people working in agriculture.
People have been farming the land for thousands of years, cultivating the soil to grow crops and
rearing animals for food and transport. Traditionally, the land is rotated": in some years plants are
grown and in other years the soil is left to rest. However, to meet the demands for food of an
ever-growing population, it has been necessary to reduce the amount of time during which land is
left unplanted. As a result, the soil has become poorer, and, in some cases, unable to support plant
Continual growing of crops in soil which has lost its nutrients is often combined with the need to
allow animals such as goats, cattle, sheep and camels to feed on plants. This increases the
problem by further weakening the soil and, in addition, the few remaining trees and shrubs are cut
down for fuel. This can have disastrous effects on the fragile desert ecosystem, removing all the
natural vegetation which covers the ground, and exposing what little soil is left to the wind, rain and
sun. Soil and plants have a two-way relationship in which neither can survive without the other.
Most plants need soil in which to root. This anchors them to the ground and stops them being
blown away, whilst also providing them with essential water and nutrients. Soil is dependent upon
plants for two main reasons. Firstly, plants provide most of the material from which new soil is
made, and secondly, plant roots help to hold the soil together and prevent it from being eroded by
the wind and rain. Without this covering of soil the land quickly becomes a further area of desert.
The bad effects of agriculture on the desert are not only found on its edges. The growing of crops
requires large amounts of water, something which is in short supply in dry lands. To try to overcome
this problem, farmers have developed irrigation systems to bring water from springs, oases and
underground sources elsewhere in the desert. In many cases this does not present a threat to the
environment, and centuries of experience have taught farmers how to extract water without causing
much damage to the environment. However, farmers are under increased pressure to produce
more and more food to feed the growing world population. As a result, in a very short space of time,
farmers have drained the water sources which took thousands of years to fill up naturally

Answers: 1

Another question on English

English, 21.06.2019 14:40
Which phrase in this excerpt from james joyce's "araby is a participial phrase? north richmond street, being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the christian brothers' school set the boys free. an uninhabited house of two storeys stood at the blind end, detached from its neighbours in a square ground. the other houses of the street, conscious of decent lives within them, gazed at one another with brown imperturbable faces the former tenant of our house, a priest, had died in the back drawing-room. air, musty from having been long enclosed, hung in all the rooms, and the waste room behind the kitchen was littered with old useless papers. among these i found a few paper-covered books, the pages of which were curled and damp: the abbot, by walter scott, the devout communicant and the memoirs of vidocq. i liked yellow. the wild garden behind the house contained a central apple-tree and a few straggling bushes under one of which i found the late tenant's rusty bicycle-pump. he had been a very charitable priest, in his will he had left all his money to institutions and the furniture of his house to his sister.
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English, 21.06.2019 22:00
Each state in america has a different seal, or symbol, that represents the traditional culture of that state. the state seal of georgia is rich in meaning, history, and patriotism. when was the seal adopted? 2georgia’s state constitution established the state seal in 1798. however, as georgia’s political circumstances changed, so too did the state’s seal. between 1863 and 1865, georgia used a different state seal to represent its separation from the rest of the country during the civil war. then, from 1868 to1871, georgia’s secretary of state nathan c. barnett hid the original seal when the capital was occupied by the north’s victorious enemy forces. he readopted the original seal in 1872. 4georgia’s state seal remained unchanged for 42 years. then, a law was passed that required the state to alter the date on the seal. the year 1799 had originally appeared on the seal to represent the year that the seal was officially adopted. the new law changed the date on the seal to 1776, the year that america’s founding fathers signed the declaration of independence. what does the seal look like? 5just as coins each have a “heads” side and a “tails” side, state seals also each have a front and a back. the front of the seal shows three tall columns, or pillars. perched atop these pillars is an arch that displays the word “constitution.” the two end pillars are each adorned with a ribbon-like banner that reads “wisdom” and “moderation.” a third banner, reading “justice,” hangs in front of the middle pillar. when read together, the banners make up the official state motto of georgia: “wisdom, justice, and moderation.” the seal also exhibits a picture of a soldier holding a sword. the words “state of georgia” appear along the top. the year 1776 is printed at the bottom. 6the back of the seal portrays a rural shoreline scene featuring a large ship and small boat. also included in the picture are bundles of tobacco plants and cotton and a farmer working in a field. across the top of the seal are the words “agriculture and commerce.” the bottom of the seal is also marked with the year 1776. what do the symbols on the seal represent? 7each item on the seal is symbolic of georgia’s history and the history of america as a united country. the pillars on the front stand for the three branches of government—legislative, executive, and judicial—and how they all work together to support the country and its constitution. the man holding the sword represents soldiers who defend the country and its laws. 8the boats on the back of the seal symbolize the agricultural commerce of georgia. similarly, the farmer and crop bundles represent georgia’s dependence on agriculture for survival. during the mid to late 1800s, over 700,000 cotton bales were produced each year. cotton is still a “king” crop in georgia. the state currently produces almost three million bales per year. this is only one reason why the state is an important asset to its country. read the passage on the left to answer the following questions: 13) the author's main purpose in writing this article is a) to inform. b) to create. c) to persuade. d) to entertain. 14) in paragraph eight, the word asset means a) benefit. b) debt. c) element. d) expense. 15) in paragraph six, the word portrays means a) condescends. b) deceives. c) honors. d) reveals.
Answers: 1
English, 21.06.2019 23:30
Why college athletes should not get paid to play state the claim a. point a b. direct quotation to support point a c. point b d direct quotation to support point b
Answers: 1
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Read the following article about the way in which deserts are expanding across the world. On the op...
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