English, 12.12.2020 15:50 jocelyn7575

CA SOMEONE READ THIS AND LET ME KNOW YOUR WHAT YOU THINK OF IT PL FREE POINTS AND ADD ME ON INTAGRAM IF YOU THINK IF IT NEEDS MORE WORK (jocelyn. cisneross) I need this to pass my english 4 cla i havnt done a conclusion PL HEL im stuc Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
We all heard of the great beowulf, the young warrior of the Geats in southern Sweden that heard about Grendel and, determined to fight the monster, sails to Hrothgar's lands with fifteen companions to slaughter Grendel. But wait I know you also heard of the great Sir Gawain the bravest one to take on a challenge by the green knight to strike him with a blow with his own axe but in one year from now to come back to the green chapel to receive a blow in return. Both great stories or poems as people may say but one question is why do they sound so similar?

Although Beowulf and Sir Gawain have some key differences. They are different types of heroes; Beowulf is a warrior, and Sir Gawain is a knight. Both represent goodness which is shown through their actions Beowulf follows the heroic code which values strength, honor, and courage. Sir Gawain follows the code of chivalry and values being honest, humble, loyal, pious, and having integrity.

Beowulf is ethical in the way he went to Hrothgar and asked for permission to kill Grendel. Another way is when instead of winning the swimming match with Brecca, Beowulf fights the sea monsters and cleans out the seas. A third way Beowulf is ethical is that Beowulf is merciful of Unferth, because Beowulf knows that Unferth is drunk when he calls Beowulf's victories luck. Sir Gawain is known as a champion of chivalry and is, in fact, the most chivalrous of all the knights of Arthurian legend. He upholds the rules of civility and dignity as well as the virtues of women around him, trying to be a stalwart and respectful character in everything he does. As such, his moral code is dependent entirely on the system of chivalry.

The moral of Beowulf is that it is better to die young with heroism and virtue than to grow to a ripe old age being cowardly and avoiding your responsibilities. Beowulf shows great courage and fortitude as he protects the community by fighting Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon Wiglaf. Honor is more important to him than preserving his life. Beowulf dies doing the right thing, but what is more important is that his memory will live on because of the way he lived. He exemplified the ideals of honor, loyalty, great physical courage, and self sacrifice that were the highest. While the moral of Sir Gawain and The Green Knight the lesson learned is honesty is the best policy, even if your life's on the line. Sir Gawain shows the nature of chivalry by stepping up and accepting the game challenge the Green Knight presents. Sir Gawain shows friendship by taking on the challenge of chopping the Green Knight’s head off so King Arthur wouldn’t have to be subjected to such a crazy game. Sir Gawain also displays other knightly characteristics such as generosity, piety, chastity, and courtesy. Sir Gawain especially displays these virtues when he honors his word by going to visit the Green Knight one year later as promised.

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