English, 09.01.2021 20:40 rafoxy35

According to Wollstonecraft', in lines 1-15, why is there a great difference" (line 4), rather than equality, between the sexes?

Answers: 1

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Aside from his general attitude toward women, what kept cisneros father from appreciating her writing?
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English, 22.06.2019 07:30
What type of figurative language is used in this sentence from james joyce's "the dead"? his soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling. a. metaphor b. alliteration c. hyperbole d. euphemism
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English, 22.06.2019 09:00
Answer quick 20 points how does penny baxter's view of the forresters differ from that of ma baxter's view after fodder-wing's death? a. penny views the forresters as foolish people, while ma baxter views them as heroes. b. penny is angry with the forresters, while ma baxter feels a connection to them. c. penny sees the forresters as criminals, while ma baxter thinks they are victims. d. penny feels sympathy for the forresters' loss, while ma baxter shows no respect for their loss.
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English, 22.06.2019 09:30
Why might carl sandburg have placed an emphasis on politeness among the animals in the committee of sixty six and in the interactions the animals have with humans in "how the animals lost their tails and got them back traveling from philadelphia to medicine hat"? a. to show that animals are more polite than humans b. to poke fun at the extreme politeness of the animals c. to teach children how to interact with adults d. to teach children how to interact with animals asap
Answers: 1
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According to Wollstonecraft', in lines 1-15, why is there a great difference" (line 4), rather than...
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