English, 28.01.2020 18:53 helooo2

In modern novels, characterization tends to be sparse because modernist literature

a. does not emphasize physical descriptions
b. emphasizes society as a whole
c. does not use dialogue
d. uses narration to teach moral lessons

Answers: 1

Another question on English

English, 21.06.2019 20:10
Select the contred text in the passage which sentence in this excerpt from john galsworthy's narrative essay "gone" reflects his view that there is no afterlife? an old woman and mrs. herd's sister were in the sitting-room, they showed us to the crazy, narrow stairway. though we lived distant but four hundred yards of a crows flight, we had never seen mrs. herd before, for that is the way of things in this land of minding one's own business a slight dark girlish-looking woman, almost quite refined away, and with those eyes of the dying, where the spirit is coming through, as it only does when it knows that al is over except just the passing. she lay in a double bed with clean white sheets. a white-washed room, so low that the ceiling almost touched our heads, some flowers in a bow, the small lattice window open. though it was hot in there, it was better far than the rooms of most families in towns, living on a wage of twice as much, for here was no sign of defeat in decency or cleanliness. in her face, as in poor herd's, was that same strange minging of resigned despair and almost eager appeal, so terrible to disappoint. yet, trying not to disappoint it, one felt guilty of treachery: what was the good, the kindness in making this poor bird flutter still with hope against the bars, when fast prison had so surely closed in round her? but what else could we do? we could not give her those glib assurances that naive souls make so easily to others concerning their after state. and the night was so beautiful, so utterly glamourously beautiful, with its star-flowers, and its silence and its trees clothed in moonlight. all was tranquil as a dream of sleep. but it was long before our hearts wandering with poor herd, would let us remember that she had slipped away into so beautiful a dream
Answers: 3
English, 21.06.2019 22:20
What do we know about the mother in “two kinds”? select all that apply. she came from china. she had two daughters who died. her mother, father, and first husband are dead. she is part japanese.
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 07:20
3. what is the view of caucasians according to j.h.g.?
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 08:30
Have you ever contributed to “social media outrage” (using your social media accounts to boost the anger about a contemporary issue by forwarding it, liking it, etc.) without stopping to think who might’ve originated the message or what the originator’s motives might’ve been? provide example.
Answers: 3
You know the right answer?
In modern novels, characterization tends to be sparse because modernist literature

a. do...
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