English, 06.11.2019 23:31 starburst2005

Then i smiled because all of the questions were over. the men asked papa and mama to read some italian words from a book, and the official stamped our papers. then he grinned and said in english, “welcome to the united states of america! ” and in that instant, joy won the fight on mama’s face.
we were taken to a boat that would sail us across the harbor to the city and a brand new life. as i boarded i smiled up at lady liberty who stood tall with her spoon in hand, ready to stir us in.

which main idea is conveyed in this excerpt?

Answers: 2

Another question on English

English, 21.06.2019 16:00
With the extra income, the bookers moved to a housing project. "loveman's village was brick," wash said, "and it was warm and well lit. there was a bathtub. it had hot and cold running water. there was a gas heater with a thermostat that came on whenever it got cold." how does this excerpt readers make a personal connection to the story?
Answers: 1
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What are two similarities between the 100th anniversary game and the first game that played at fenway park
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How can you paraphrase this, this is about golden age fallacies.these are all rational people who know that older is not necessarily better, but many are taken in by this fallacy and seem no longer able to reason with any degree of reliability
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English, 22.06.2019 00:50
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You know the right answer?
Then i smiled because all of the questions were over. the men asked papa and mama to read some itali...
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