English, 23.04.2021 07:20 indexes06

Some facts you need to hear from me, to you. <3 You are important: No matter what you think, you are important. Every move you make contributes to something else. You affect everything, and that's amazing. The world would be missing something without you in it.

You don't always have to look "good": It's okay to throw your hair up, wear sweatpants, and go out without makeup. You're a human. Humans were never meant to look like Barbies or mannequins. Humans have dark circles under their eyes. Humans have flaws, and those flaws are beautiful. Show them off to the world, let them know you're an amazing human.

You make someone smile: Someone looks forward to seeing you, I promise. There is someone out there who counts down the hours until they can see you again, who waits endlessly to see you; and when they do, they can't help but have the biggest grin on their face.

Someone, somewhere, loves you: Sometimes it feels like not a soul in the world cares about us—that we are utterly and truly alone in this world. This is not true. While it may feel as if there is no one in the world that is caring about you, I promise there is someone out there. And if you can't think of anyone, I love you. I care about you. It doesn't matter that we haven't met. You are a human being, you are special, you are surviving, and I love you and admire you for that.

It is okay to fail: This one is a hard one to accept, I know. But just remember that if we didn't fail, we couldn't improve. We couldn't make ourselves better. Failing is a learning lesson. It's a sucky one, but it's one that everything goes from. Plus, being good at everything would get pretty boring in my opinion. On top of that, sometimes failing allows us to laugh at ourselves, and that's the best.

No matter what anyone says, you are beautiful: Media nowadays paints a pretty narrow picture of what beauty is. The picture they are painting is beautiful, it's true. However, it is not the only type of beauty. There are so many beautiful things about everyone, and if you spend some time finding the beauty in others, you'll find the beauty in yourself (both physically and emotionally). I challenge you to look in a mirror every day and find three things that you find beautiful. Some days it is harder than others, but I promise if you look hard enough, you'll find three.

It is okay to cry: A lot of times, crying is seen as a weakness for both sexes. A boy crying is seen as weak, and a girl crying is seen as too emotional. This is bullsh*t. If you're feeling sad, go ahead and cry. My momma always said sometimes all you need is a good cry to feel better. If you feel like you need to cry or are going to it. There is nothing wrong with shedding a few tears, especially if it is going to make you feel better.

Other people's opinions of you don't matter: Okay, so let me backtrack on this one. If your friends are worried about you or your family is concerned, those opinions matter. But people's opinions of you that don't know you or haven't taken the time to really understand you don't matter. The only opinion about you that matters is your own. Find your inner badass and love yourself. It's not easy or that simple, I know, but until then, don't even worry what anyone else has to say about you. They don't know you or your journey. Only you know the extent of that.

It gets better: This is something that is so over said, that sometimes it feels like there is no real meaning left to it. But that is wrong. It does get better. Take it from someone who knows it personally. It gets better the longer you continue. We have to climb mountains to enjoy the view—remember that.

You, just as much as anyone else, deserves to be happy: Sometimes we as humans forget that we too, deserve to be happy. No matter what you think about yourself or how you feel about yourself, you deserve to be happy. You deserve to have a smile on your face. You deserve the chance at laughter and friendship. No one can take that away from you. You deserve to be happy. Repeat it, remember it.

I love you.

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