English, 01.01.2022 04:30 dondre54

Select the correct text in the passage. Which lines does Bob Kaufman use to show alienation and isolation in modern society? Unanimity Has Been Achieved, Not a Dot Less for Its Accidentalness by Bob Kaufman (excerpt) Diggers, corkscrewing cleanly in, exhilerausted, into the mind mine, impaled on edgeless shafts of subtle reminiscence, green- walking across the belts and ties. Slanted dark-walked time, wet with ages of dryness, Raga of insignificance.

Answers: 3

Another question on English

English, 21.06.2019 21:50
Time remaining 59: 46 which central idea should be included in a paraphrase of this excerpt? read the excerpt from the odyssey. out to sea again! ' my men were mutinous, fools, on stores of wine. sheep after sheep they butchered by the surf, and shambling cattle, feasting.-while fugitives went inland, running to call to arms the main force of cicones this was an army, trained to fight on horseback or, where the ground required, on foot. they came with dawn over that terrain like the leaves and blades of spring. so doom appeared to us, dark word of zeus for us, our evil days. the forces sent by cicones to fight odysseus and his men arrived during the early morning hours. odysseus and his men feasted on the animals they slaughtered while on the island of cicones the forces sent by cicones to stop the plundering of odysseus and his men were skilled and powerful odysseus views the forces sent by cicones as punishment from the greek god zeus. mark this and retum save and exit save and exit next sub subunit
Answers: 1
English, 21.06.2019 22:00
Read the excerpt below and answer the question. she was a small woman, short and straight-waisted like a child in her brown cotton gown. her forehead was mild and benevolent between the smooth curves of gray hair; there were meek downward lines about her nose and mouth; but her eyes, fixed upon the old man, looked as if the meekness had been the result of her own will, never of the will of another. in at least one hundred words, explain how this excerpt uses explicit and implicit details to describe sarah penn.
Answers: 1
English, 21.06.2019 22:00
Write a description about a boy with blonde hair that falls perfectly without him even trying. not about anything else like clothes or personality.
Answers: 2
English, 21.06.2019 22:30
Read these lines from denise levertov's poem "in thai binh (peace) province": it is that life, unhurried, sure, persistent, i must bring home when i try to bring the war home. child, river, light. here the future, fabled bird that has migrated way from america, nests, and breeds, and sings, common as any sparrow. which statement best interprets the author's use of metaphor in these lines? a. the metaphor of home suggests that american foreign policy should turn inward. b. the metaphor of the river suggests that life moves ear forward. c. the metaphor of the fabled bird suggests that the war has left americans divided. d. the metaphor of the fabled bird suggests that vietnam will rise to fight again.
Answers: 1
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Select the correct text in the passage. Which lines does Bob Kaufman use to show alienation and isol...
Mathematics, 28.07.2019 22:30
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