History, 23.10.2020 20:20 ineedhelp2285

Question 16 (3 points) When the Romans overthrew the king and established a republic, they set up a democratic government. It was not like the direct democracy of Athens, in which every free male citizen had a vote in passing laws. Rome’s republic was called this type of democracy:

Question 16 options:





Question 17 (3 points)
The Roman "12 Tables" listed the rights and responsibilities of all citizens, and spelled out criminal and religious laws.

Question 17 options:
Question 18 (3 points)
In the first century, Rome’s republican system of law was on shaky ground. The Roman Republic was threatened by ambitious leaders who placed personal interests above the good of the community, mainly Julius Caesar. Caesar’s power and popularity alarmed many members of the Senate. How did the Roman senate deal then with Caesar?

Question 18 options:

They surrounded the dictator on the floor of the Senate and stabbed him to death.

They organized the administration of the provinces.

They held a session and had him impeached.

They organized a recall and held a new election.

Question 19 (3 points)
Because of Rome's climate, the Italian scientists are really worried about how the humidity is eating away at all the beautiful frescoes painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Question 19 options:
Question 20 (3 points)
The Romans, in Pax Romana (Roman peace) time, great advancements in society took place. One of the greatest and enduring achievements was the Roman road system; the first Roman road was called:

Question 20 options:

Imperial Way

Roman Way

Italian Way

Appian Way

Question 21 (3 points)
During the reign of Caesar Augustus, the Roman Empire covered more than half of Europe - Within so vast a realm, there lived a variety of people with diverse religious beliefs and practices. Between the first and second Zealot uprisings, a new religion cam about that would change the Roman Empire and eventually sweep across the world. It was

Question 21 options:




The Church of England

Question 22 (3 points)
The Gospels, which sometimes vary in their accounts of the life of Jesus, say little about Jesus’ childhood, but as a Jewish boy he would have studied this:

Question 22 options:

The Gideon Bible

The Koran

The Ancient Manuscripts

The Torah

Question 23 (3 points)
The apostle who did the most to spread the message of Jesus, Paul, had in fact never met Jesus. Paul helped transform what was a Jewish movement into a religion that appealed to gentiles, or non-Jews.

Question 23 options:
Question 24 (3 points)
What caused the Roman Empire to fall?

Question 24 options:

economic hardship

internal conflicts

external enemies


all of the above, as there was no single cause, and no sudden fall.

Question 25 (3 points)
In the end, Barbarians sacked Rome. Like many words in the English language, the word barbarian comes from the Greeks. The ancient Greeks used the word barbaros to describe anyone whose language they couldn’t understand. To Greek ears, such people were making a noise that sounded like “ba, ba, ba” when they spoke.

Question 25 options:

Answers: 2

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Question 16 (3 points) When the Romans overthrew the king and established a republic, they set up a...
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