Mathematics, 19.11.2019 23:31 patelandrew816

Explain what needs to happen to the inequality sign when dividing or multiplying by a negative number

Answers: 3

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Apolynomial function has a root of –6 with multiplicity 1, a root of –2 with multiplicity 3, a root of 0 with multiplicity 2, and a root of 4 with multiplicity 3. if the function has a positive leading coefficient and is of odd degree, which statement about the graph is true?
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Consider 6x2 + 6x + 1. which term immediately tells you that this expression is not a perfect square trinomial? justify your answer
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Here are the 30 best lifetime baseball batting averages of all time, arranged in order from lowest to highest: 0.319, 0.329, 0.330, 0.331, 0.331, 0.333, 0.333, 0.333, 0.334, 0.334, 0.334, 0.336, 0.337, 0.338, 0.338, 0.338, 0.340, 0.340, 0.341, 0.341, 0.342, 0.342, 0.342, 0.344, 0.344, 0.345, 0.346, 0.349, 0.358, 0.366 if you were to build a histogram of these data, which of the following would be the best choice of classes?
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What is the midpoint of np if n (1,9) and p (-5-1)
Answers: 1
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Explain what needs to happen to the inequality sign when dividing or multiplying by a negative numbe...
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