Mathematics, 04.02.2021 22:40 rose3358

HELP Susan incorrectly factored this expression. 1 2 a − 1 5 b + 6
3(4 a + 5 b + 3 ).

a. Explain any errors Susan may have made when factoring.

b. Factor the expression correctly.

Answers: 2

Another question on Mathematics

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What is the definition of exponential decay?
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Complete the steps, which describe how to find the area of the shaded portion of the circle. find the area of the sector by multiplying the area of the circle by the ratio of the to 360. subtract the area of the triangle from the area of the sector.
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Quick! a survey of 57 customers was taken at a bookstore regarding the types of books purchased. the survey found that 33 customers purchased mysteries, 25 purchased science fiction, 18 purchased romance novels, 12 purchased mysteries and science fiction, 9 purchased mysteries and romance novels, 6 purchased science fiction and romance novels, and 2 purchased all three types of books. a) how many of the customers surveyed purchased only mysteries? b) how many purchased mysteries and science fiction, but not romance novels? c) how many purchased mysteries or science fiction? d) how many purchased mysteries or science fiction, but not romance novels? e) how many purchased exactly two types of books?
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Mathematics, 21.06.2019 22:30
Solve for x. −3/4(x+2)=6 enter your answer in the box
Answers: 1
You know the right answer?
HELP Susan incorrectly factored this expression. 1 2 a − 1 5 b + 6
3(4 a + 5 b + 3 ).
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