Physics, 11.07.2019 00:20 itaheart101

Calculate the integral 1- i 1 dx in r i = d, and use hint] let i(a) = (a) to obtain i(a). in r

Answers: 3

Another question on Physics

Physics, 21.06.2019 20:30
Water at room temperature of 20.0°c is poured into an aluminum cylinder which has graduation markings etched on the inside. the reading in the graduations is 300.0 cc. the cylinder with the water in it is then immersed in a constant temperature bath at a temperature of 100°c. what is the reading for the level of water on the graduations of the cylinder after the water and the cylinder reach thermal equilibrium with the bath? the volume coefficient of expansion of water is 2.07 x 10^-4 k-1, and the linear coefficient of expansion of aluminum is 23.0 x 10^-6 k-1. a) 305.0 cc b) 304.0 cc c) 303.5 cc d) 303.3 cc e) 304.5 cc
Answers: 3
Physics, 22.06.2019 15:00
Astudent throws a water balloon with speed v0 from a height h = 1.76 m at an angle θ = 21° above the horizontal toward a target on the ground. the target is located a horizontal distance d = 9.5 m from the student’s feet. assume that the balloon moves without air resistance. use a cartesian coordinate system with the origin at the balloon's initial position. (a) what is the position vector, rtarge t, that originates from the balloon's original position and terminates at the target? put this in terms of h and d, and represent it as a vector using i and j. (b) in terms of the variables in the problem, determine the time, t, after the launch it takes the balloon to reach the target. your answer should not include h. (c) create an expression for the balloon's vertical position as a function of time, y(t), in terms of t, vo, g, and θ. (d) determine the magnitude of the balloon's initial velocity, v0, in meters per second, by eliminating t from the previous two expressions.
Answers: 3
Physics, 22.06.2019 16:40
Beryl states that insulation with the smallest possible thermal conductivity is best to keep a house warm in winter, but worst for keeping a house cool in summer. sapphire insists the reverse is true: low thermal conductivity is good in the summer, but bad in the winter. which one, if either is correct? a. beryl, because low thermal conductivity results in low heat transfer. b. beryl, because low thermal conductivity results in high heat transfer. d. sapphire, because low thermal conductivity results in high heat transfer. e. neither, because low heat transfer is desirable both in summer and in winter.
Answers: 2
Physics, 23.06.2019 04:50
How does the motion of an airplane compare to the motion of a rocket ?
Answers: 1
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Calculate the integral 1- i 1 dx in r i = d, and use hint] let i(a) = (a) to obtain i(a). in r...
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