Physics, 24.11.2019 01:31 shimmerandshine1

Following newton's third law, when a cannon goes off the cannon ball exerts a force on the cannon and the cannon exerts the same force back on the cannon ball. why does the cannon ball travel severl hunder feet while the cannon itself only moves a few inches?

question 5 options:

because the mass of the cannon ball is much less than the cannon

because the cannon is so much larger in size than the cannon ball

because the cannon ball is more aerodynamic than the cannon

because the forces were not really equal

Answers: 1

Another question on Physics

Physics, 22.06.2019 00:30
Next a skier is pulled by a tow rope up a frictionless ski slope that makes an angle of 15 with the horizontal. the rope moves parallel to the slope with a constant speed of 0.69 m/s. the force of the rope does 800 3 of work on the skier as the skier moves a distance of 8.4 m up the incline. (a) if the rope moved with a constant speed of 2.2 m/s how much work would the force of the rope do on the skier as the skler moved a distance of 8.4 m up the incline? at what rate is the force of the rope doing work on the skier when the rope moves with a speed of (b) 0.69 m/s and (c) 2.2 m/s?
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 11:30
Water is siphoned from a large tank and discharges into the atmosphere through a 50-mm diameter tube. the end of the tube is b = 2.1 m below the tank bottom which is a = 7.4 m deep, and viscous effects are negligible. determine the maximum height h over which the water can be siphoned without cavitation occurring. atmospheric pressure is 101.4 kpa, and the water vapor pressure is 1.79 kpa (absolute)
Answers: 3
Physics, 22.06.2019 12:50
Arunner is jogging at a steady 3.6 km/hr. when the runner is 2.9 km from the finish line, a bird begins flying from the runner to the finish line at 14.4 km/hr (4 times as fast as the runner). when the bird reaches the finish line, it turns around and flies back to the runner. even though the bird is a dodo, we will assume that it occupies only one point in space, i.e., a zero-length bird. how far does the bird travel? (b) after this first encounter, the bird then turns around and flies from the runner back to the finish line, turns around again and flies back to the runner. the bird repeats the back and forth trips until the runner reaches the finish line. how far does the bird travel from the beginning? (i.e. include the distance traveled to the first encounter)
Answers: 2
Physics, 22.06.2019 14:40
Glass has a hardness that is in the middle of the hardness scale. what is the hardness of glass?
Answers: 1
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Following newton's third law, when a cannon goes off the cannon ball exerts a force on the cannon an...
Mathematics, 20.08.2019 21:30
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