Physics, 21.02.2020 16:46 nancylagunas805

Consider two identical objects released from rest high above the surface of the earth (neglect air resistance for this question).

In Case 1 we release an object from a height above the surface of the earth equal to 1 earth radius, and we measure its kinetic energy just before it hits the earth to be K1.
In Case 2 we release an object from a height above the surface of the earth equal to 2 earth radii, and we measure its kinetic energy just before it hits the earth to be K2.

Compare the kinetic energy of the two objects just before they hit the surface of the earth.
K2 = 2 K1
K2 = 4 K1
K2 = (4/3) K1
K2 = (3/2) K1

Answers: 1

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Consider two identical objects released from rest high above the surface of the earth (neglect air r...
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