Physics, 25.09.2020 05:01 help445492

Think Critically 6. On a topographic map, five contour lines are very close together in one area. What is the shape of these lines if the feature
is a hill? What is the shape of these lines if the feature is a cliff?

Answers: 2

Another question on Physics

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Aweight lifter raises a 1600 n barbell to a height of 2.0 meters. how much work was done? w = fd question 6 options: 3000 joules 30 joules 320 joules 3200 joules
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Physics, 22.06.2019 02:10
Astudent is performing an experiment comparing sound and light waves. the student gathers the following data. what conclusion does the student most likely make based on this data? light waves always travel the same speed; however, the speed of sound is determined by the medium that it travels through. all sound waves always have the same energy, so the temperature of the medium does not affect wave speed. light needs to vibrate particles, so it travels fastest in tightly packed solids, while sound does not need a medium, so it travels fastest in a gas. tightly packed particles in solids slow down the light waves; however, sound waves make particles bounce into each other, so they travel faster in solids.
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Alandscaper is shopping for landscaping materials. she wants to use materials through which water flows easily. which materials should she choose? check all that apply. clay gravel granite rocks with cracks loosely packed soil
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Apropagating wave in space with electric and magnetic components. these components oscillate at right angles to each other. it may travel in a vacuum. determine the term.
Answers: 2
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Think Critically 6. On a topographic map, five contour lines are very close together in one area. W...
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