Physics, 29.10.2020 17:50 babyskitt

What is the force F on a 1 nC charge placed in the middle of a square with side 1 cm due to the charges of -2nC placed at the four square corners?

Answers: 1

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Agymnast dismounts off the uneven bars in a tuck position with a radius of 0.3m (assume she is a solid sphere) and an angular velocity of 2rev/s. during the dismount she stretches out into the straight position, with a length of 1.5m, (assume she is a uniform rod through the center) for her landing. the gymnast has a mass of 50kg. what is her angular velocity in the straight position?
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What is the force F on a 1 nC charge placed in the middle of a square with side 1 cm due to the char...
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