Physics, 22.01.2021 01:00 corbinfisher

A limousine driver notices a stop sign while traveling 55 km/hr. What is the acceleration of the limousine if it comes to a complete stop in 4.3 s? Round to 1 decimal place if necessary.

Answers: 2

Another question on Physics

Physics, 22.06.2019 19:00
Friction removes energy from objects in motion. which statement best describes how this works? a) friction transforms ke into thermal energy b) friction transfers thermal energy to ke c) friction transforms te into pe d) friction transforms pe into ke e) friction transfers ke into pe
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 20:30
Ascientist notices that an oil slick floating on water when viewed from above has many different colors reflecting off the surface, making it look rainbow-like (an effect known as iridescence). she aims a spectrometer at a particular spot and measures the wavelength to be 750 nm (in air). the index of refraction of water is 1.3
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Acar is traveling 35 mph on a smooth surface . if a balanced force is applied to the car what happens?
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During cooling, the kinetic energy of the molecules falls. why does this happen? a.the motion of the molecules increases. b. the motion of the molecules slows down. c.the van der waals forces between molecules decrease d. the forces of attraction between the molecules are overcome.
Answers: 2
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A limousine driver notices a stop sign while traveling 55 km/hr. What is the acceleration of the lim...
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