Physics, 12.07.2021 22:20 macwaters

A solid metal wire has a certain resistance. It is heated and carefully stretched to form a longer, thinner wire. After it cools, the resistance is than it was before. A. The resistance will be the same since the resistance is independent of the length and cross-sectional area. Increasing the length and shrinking the radius will not affect the resistance. B. The resistance will be greater since the resistance is proportional to length and inversely proportional to cross-sectional area. C. Increasing the length and shrinking the radius both act to increase the resistance. D. The resistance will be less than before since the resistance is inversely proportional to length and proportional to cross-sectional area. E. Increasing the length and shrinking the radius both act to decrease the resistance.

Answers: 1

Another question on Physics

Physics, 22.06.2019 07:30
Select all of the following that are equal to an impulse of 20 unitsa) force= 5, time= 5.5b) force= 25, time= 0.8c) force= 0.1, time= 200d) force= 10, time= 2(its b, c, and d)(also in order to find answer they have to add to get the unit)ex= 25x.8=20 or .1x200=20
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 13:40
Which bonds are found inside a water molecule
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 15:20
Acarpenter builds an exterior house wall with a layer of wood 2.9 cm thick on the outside and a layer of styrofoam insulation 2.3 cm thick on the inside wall surface. the wood has k=0.080w/(m⋅k), and the styrofoam has k= 0.010 w/(m⋅k). the interior surface temperature is 19.0 ∘c , and the exterior surface temperature is -15.0 ∘c . a.)what is the temperature at the plane where the wood meets the styrofoam? celsius b.)what is the rate of heat flow per square meter through this wall? /m^2
Answers: 2
Physics, 22.06.2019 18:30
Energy can be transformed from one form to another. the diagram shows one such process. which energy transformation is represented in the diagram? nuclear to thermal and radiant nuclear to electrical and chemical chemical to nuclear and radiant chemical to electrical and nuclear
Answers: 1
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A solid metal wire has a certain resistance. It is heated and carefully stretched to form a longer,...
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