Physics, 27.07.2021 07:10 whiteshawn0250

A steam turbine is to operate on a simple regenerative cycle. Steam is supplied dry saturated at 40 bar and is exhausted to a condenser at 0.07 bar. The condensate is pumped to a pressure of 3.5 bar at which it is mixed with bleed steam from the turbine at 3.5 bar. The resulting water which is at saturated temperature is then pumped into the boiler. For the ideal cycle, calculate neglecting feed-pump water, (i) the amount of bleed steam required per kilogram of supplied steam, (ii) the cycle efficiency of the plant, (iii) the specific steam consumption.​

Answers: 3

Another question on Physics

Physics, 21.06.2019 17:10
Space-time metric ds2= -dt2+at2dx2+bt2dy2+ct2dz2 (a)how does the area of a rectangle with vertices at ( x=0, y=0, z=0 ), (1,0,0 ), ( 0,1,0 ) and (1,1,0 ) changes with time? (b) if a photon moving in the x direction starts from the origin at t=1, when does it reach x=l? (ds=0 for the trajectory of a photon.) (c) the proper time for a particle is defined by cd=ds. what is the proper time for a particle to move along the trajectory ( x(t)=t, y(t)=0, z(t)=0 ) from t=0 to 1 ? what is the condition on the parameter a so that the velocity of the particle never exceeds the speed of light ?
Answers: 2
Physics, 21.06.2019 23:20
The 5-kg cylinder is initially at rest when it is placed in contact with the wall b and the rotor at a. if the rotor always maintains a constant clockwise angular velocity v = 6 rad> s, determine the initial angular acceleration of the cylinder. the coefficient of kinetic friction at the contacting surfaces b and c is mk = 0.2.
Answers: 3
Physics, 22.06.2019 03:30
Will give brainliest! jay rides his 2.0-kg skateboard. he is moving at speed 5.8 m/s when he pushes off the board and continues to move forward in the air at 5.4 m/s. the board now goes forward at 13 m/s.a. determine jay’s mass.b. determine the change in the internal energy of the system during this process.(express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.)
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 19:30
Aspacecraft that renters the earth’s atmosphere drastically slows down. the amount of kinetic energy the spacecraft has as it reenters the earths atmosphere
Answers: 2
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A steam turbine is to operate on a simple regenerative cycle. Steam is supplied dry saturated at 40...
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