Physics, 13.09.2021 03:40 emma650

What converts mechanical energy into kinetic energy?
A. Generator
B. motor

Answers: 3

Another question on Physics

Physics, 22.06.2019 06:30
Air initially at 0.75 bar, 1000 k, and occupying a volume of 0.12 m^3 undergoes two processes. process 1-2: the air is compressed isothermally until the volume is halved. process 2-3: the air undergoes a constant pressure process until the volume is halved again. assume ideal gas behavior. a) determine the mass of the air, in kg. b) the work and the heat transfer for each of the two processes, in kj. (100 kj = 1 bar . m^3)
Answers: 1
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When a bicycle coasts uphill, it moves slower and slower as it climbs. why? a. its kinetic energy is transforming into heat energy. b. its potential energy is transforming into kinetic energy. c. its kinetic energy is transforming into potential energy and heat energy. d. its potential energy is transforming into kinetic energy and heat energy.
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Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
What converts mechanical energy into kinetic energy?
A. Generator
B. motor...
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