Social Studies, 18.12.2020 20:20 badpotterchris

HELP I BEGGING YO PLZ HELP really help TEXT: “Mary, commonly called Molly, Brant was born in 1736 in the Ohio Valley. She grew up in Canajoharie and was educated in a European fashion, possibly at a mission school.

At age 18, she accompanied a delegation of Mohawk Chiefs to Philadelphia to discuss fraudulent land transactions. This was her first introduction into the world of political responsibility. She eventually became a Clan Mother.

Like her brother Joseph, she assimilated both European and Indian culture into her life and was equally at home in both worlds. She spoke Mohawk and dressed in Mohawk fashion all her life and encouraged her children to do so. Her position as Clan Mother helped in Johnson’s success as Indian Superintendent.

After Sir William’s death in 1774, she moved her family from Johnson Hall back to Canajoharie and established a trading post. During the American Revolution, she sheltered and fed Loyalists and supplied them with arms and munitions. In 1777, it was Molly that sent word to Sir John Johnson’s and Joseph Brant’s forces that Herkimer was marching to rescue the besieged Fort Schuyler. Because of these actions, she was forced to flee her home in the Mohawk Valley, leaving it behind to be plundered and occupied.

Her family fled to Fort Niagara and Molly began to direct her attention to keeping the Six Nations (particularly Mohawks) on the side of the British. Her position as a Clan Mother and her former relationship with Sir William Johnson meant that she exerted even more influence over them than her brother did. A British soldier was once recorded to have said “their uncommon good behaviour [was] in great measure to be ascribed to Miss Molly Brant’s influence over them, which [was] far superior to that of all their Chiefs put together.” She also used her position to promote the interests of her people while increasing her own power.”

1. Which side did they support? British? (Loyalists) Continental? (Patriots) Neutral?

2. What were the goals of the First Nation in choosing sides? (What was the goal/reason for choosing side?)

3. How does this compare with the considerations of Loyalists or Patriots? (How does this goal/reason connect with the reasons of Loyalists/Patriots?)

Answers: 2

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HELP I BEGGING YO PLZ HELP really help TEXT: “Mary, commonly called Molly, Brant was born in 1736...
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