Social Studies, 30.07.2019 14:10 jinxjungkook

Research indicates that if we think about our future possible selves we can be inspired to a. find our immediate rewards more enjoyable and live in the moment. b. forget about our past mistakes. c. forego current activities that do not us to achieve an improved future self. d. be nicer to those around us.

Answers: 1

Another question on Social Studies

Social Studies, 22.06.2019 12:00
What if the united states, mexico, and canada took the eu’s example and joined to forms north american union ? based on your knowledge of the europe union, describe two setbacks or hurdles that this idea might face
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Social Studies, 22.06.2019 16:40
Einar sees alexandra every day across the room in his history class but has never talked with her. einar likes the way alexandra looks, including the way she dresses and how she wears her hair. he's even more attracted to her apparent intelligence and the way she handles herself in class discussions and during interactions with the instructor. he'd like to know more about her, so he asks one of his friends about her. einar, using a passive strategy to gain information about her, is probably in the preinteraction awareness stage of any relationship that might develop between them. t/f
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People with high cq motivation enjoy interacting with people from other cultures and are likely to deal with the stress of living in another culture. tend to negotiate more aggressively during negotiations. build cooperation by reciprocating information sharing during negotiations. are very good at leveraging the s& o model which they do by leveraging equivalent offers.
Answers: 2
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Research indicates that if we think about our future possible selves we can be inspired to a. find o...
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Mathematics, 13.07.2019 06:40
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