World Languages, 21.09.2019 01:20 creeper2737

1) jack-o'-lantern mushrooms—which have the scientific name omphalotus illudens—are orange mushrooms that grow in north america. (2) jack-o'-lantern mushrooms take their name from their orange color and from another interesting feature. (3) many people try to find these mushrooms in the fall to see their eerie glow, but they can be difficult to spot. (4) people should not pick jack-o'-lantern mushrooms as they are toxic and can make humans very ill. (5) the best way to appreciate these unique mushrooms is to see them growing in the wild.
which of these supporting details best fits after sentence 2?
a) jack-o'-lantern mushrooms grow east of the rocky mountains.
b) jack-o'-lantern mushrooms grow in bunches on decaying wood and leaves.
c) the gills of jack-o'-lantern mushrooms give off a faint, glowing light.
d) some people confuse jack-o'-lantern mushrooms with nontoxic chanterelles.

Answers: 2

Another question on World Languages

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World Languages, 26.06.2019 16:00
"the seven wonders of the world" is mostly about which of the following? a. the pyramids of egypt b. architecture around the world c.incredible ancient structures d. respected building techniques
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World Languages, 26.06.2019 16:30
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World Languages, 26.06.2019 19:00
Enade, 2005 – adaptada) "a respeito dos estudos comparativos, a resposta de weber foi a elaboraç? o de "tipos ideais", que constituem um dispositivo generalizante, um modelo heurístico, sobre o qual era possível aplicar a comparaç? o. nas suas explicaç? es históricas comparadas, weber rejeita sempre a hipótese de leis ou de monocausalidade; ele pensa, portanto, que um evento pode ter diversas causas e que conjuntos diversos de causas podem ter o mesmo efeito. a validade das comparaç? es em weber provém das suas construç? es empíricas dos processos de induç? o e de introspecç? o mais do que de uma verificaç? o causal de hipóteses. paola rebughini. a comparaç? o qualitativa de objetos complexos e o efeito da reflexividade. in: alberto melluci (org.) por uma sociologia reflexiva: pesquisa qualitativa e cultura. petrópolis: vozes, 2005, p. 242 (com adaptaç? es)." a partir do fragmento de texto, avalie as seguintes afirmaç? es:
Answers: 1
You know the right answer?
1) jack-o'-lantern mushrooms—which have the scientific name omphalotus illudens—are orange mushrooms...
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