World Languages, 25.10.2019 00:43 andr8aa

Which of the following is the english translation of this passage?
gli uccelli cinguettarono e i picchi beccarono gli aceri. mentre gli alberi stavano per essere beccati, la linfa trasudava lentamente dal tronco d'albero a foglie decidue. il colloso e la sostanza gocciolavano giù, irretivano ed estinguevano una formica. quanto assurda può essere questa sostanza? sebbene una vita non abbia, apparentemente ha istintivamente preso la vita da qualcosa con la stessa facilità con cui scorreva dall'albero. lo sciroppo d'acero dorato e crudo aveva un bellissimo aroma dolce. il dolce odore si diffuse nell'aria, presentandosi come se intendesse che tutte le persone sarebbero cadute sotto il suo incantesimo: un incantesimo di etereo e romanticismo, il cui gusto traditore e pungente sarebbe rimasto fino ai loro ultimi giorni.

mentre lo sciroppo veniva comprato e venduto, si riversava nella bocca delle persone e che sapore era meraviglioso! la sostanza pungente era in effetti come una danza nella sala da ballo, un festival per la bocca.
a.) the birds chirped, and the woodpeckers pecked at the maple trees. as the trees were in the process of getting pecked, the sap slowly oozed down the deciduous tree trunk. the sticky and substance trickled down and ensnared and extinguished an ant. how absurd can this substance be? though a life it has not, it seemingly instinctually took life from something as easily as it flowed from the tree. the golden and raw maple syrup had a beautiful sweet aroma. the sweet smell wafted through the air, presenting itself as if it intended that all people would fall under its spell—an enchantment of ethereality and romance, the treacly and pungent taste of which would linger until their final days.

as the syrup was bought and sold, it poured into people’s mouths, and how wonderful of a taste it was! the pungent substance was like a ball room dance in fact— a festival for the mouth.
b.) will it be the marlin, or will it be the old man?
who has the strength, endurance and perseverance?
one would think santiago is going to be the victor in this struggle. someone would say this because santiago is a man who would never give up doing something. although the other fishermen laugh at santiago just because he old, he still has confidence in himself. this shows santiago has the perseverance to hang on to the line on which the marlin is caught. though santiago is old he can still endure the strength of other things. all of this shows that santiago will be the victor in the end.
c.) active sentences:
bobby ate six chicken legs at dinner.
gorgeous jerboas wonder the desert.
howey patched the flat ball.
david and sue are going to watch a movie.
jerry bought the honda civic and volkswagen e-golf.
passive sentences:
six chicken legs were eaten by bobby.
the desert was wondered by gorgeous jerboas.
the flat ball was patched by howey.
d.) in the old man and the sea, the old man santiago and the young boy manolin have just been introduced. the dialogue and actions of the characters, as well as the interactions between them give you a basic understanding of who they are. using this information, write a sentence for each of the following characteristics. make sure to write a sentences for both santiago and manolin.

*note that not all non-english languages make english writing longer

Answers: 1

Another question on World Languages

World Languages, 22.06.2019 19:00
Finish the major scale correctly. d,e,f#,g, blank,blank,blank,d. a. a,b,c b. a,b flat,c c. a#,b,c# d. a,b,c#
Answers: 1
World Languages, 24.06.2019 11:10
Micah wrote the following argument: our city should start a garden lottery that would award winners a free plot of land in one of the city’s abandoned lots to encourage community gardening. community gardening brings many benefits to a community, including a sense of belonging and opportunities to meet new people. gardening creates personal bonds between people of all ages. as a result, people feel connected to their neighbors, and crime decreases. which relationship does the phrase “as a result” clarify? a. the relationship between the claim that crime will decrease and the reason that community gardens foster a sense of community togetherness b. the relationship between the claim that community gardens bring many benefits to a community and the reason that people feel more connected to their neighbors c. the relationship between the claim that gardening creates bonds between people and the reason that people feel connected to their neighbors and crime decreases d. the relationship between the claim that free plots of land should be raffled in a lottery for community gardening and the reason that, as a result, neighbors will communicate more, and crime will decrease
Answers: 1
World Languages, 26.06.2019 12:40
O-day ou-yay now-kay ig-pay atin-lay?
Answers: 1
World Languages, 26.06.2019 20:20
What is a ridge of rock near the water's edge
Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
Which of the following is the english translation of this passage?
gli uccelli cinguettarono...
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