Health, 24.06.2021 05:10 401666

What’s the most important thing you learned about mental commitment/motivation?

Answers: 1

Another question on Health

Health, 21.06.2019 22:30
Aduty of the adult assigned to supervise a group of children is to a. check on the children at least every 20 minutes. b. keep the children within earshot. c. give the children a list of "don'ts" concerning behavior. d. conduct a name-to-face check when transitioning to the playground
Answers: 1
Health, 22.06.2019 00:00
Sleep paralysis. so this is something i’ve dealt with for most of my life (i’m 15) and i’m pretty sure my first sp was when i was 9. and it’s usually the usual i’m not able to move anything except for my eyes, and it’s so hard to breathe (feels like someone’s pushing hard on my chest) and then i hear someone whispering and then i can move and then have to essentially wake up because i won’t be able to go back to sleep. but recently. and i mean it’s happened twice now and it’s not even been a week. where i suddenly wake up like a noise woke me, but then soon realize i’m not able to move and i sleep on my side that doesn’t face the wall and i have a desk that is on the same wall as my bed but farther off in the room. and i see myself sitting in the computer chair. like me. but as soon as i see (myself) it spins around and faces me and just stares at me for a good 2-3 minutes. and then it is that i realize that it’s got cold eyes instead of my normal eyes. and for one it’s absolutely creepy to be able to see yourself move without you ya know and secondly i kinda feel threatened to be honest. it’s happened 2 times now and i noticed the 2nd time (me) stared at my paralyzed body for about a minute longer then the 1st time. i just wonder if anyone else experienced anything like this because i’ve never had this happen before. and i’ve told my close family and they just shrugged it off and said i’m just having bad dreams again, but my computer chair is facing my bed when i come back into my room? and i know usually these are hallucinations but nothing’s changed in my life to cause a sudden anxiety or stress spell so i don’t know. and i know what bad dreams feel like and sp is waay worse then a bad dream. you can’t be awake to be having a bad dream
Answers: 1
Health, 22.06.2019 03:00
Gregory was caught smoking marijuana on his school’s campus during lunch. this is not the first time gregory has violated the school’s drug-free policy. his principal has decided to expel him, and he may face fines and time in a juvenile detention facility. gregory faced consequences when he was sent to juvenile detention after repeatedly violating the school’s drug-free policy.
Answers: 1
Health, 22.06.2019 17:30
Can someone me. so last night i was with my girl and i ended up with a peanut butter jar in my anus. sadly we have tried to pull it out but its well stuck in there : ( any ideas how to get it out?
Answers: 2
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What’s the most important thing you learned about mental commitment/motivation?...
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