
Company a has beanbag chairs and large tables instead of traditional office furniture. employees are encouraged to play games with each other and think outside of the box. working together is highly valued. company b employees wear suits and ties. there is a formal meeting every morning led by the president of the company. employees are given tasks and expected to complete them on time. employees work alone instead of on teams. the companies described above are very different when it comes to which characteristic of an organization? a. division of labor b. culture c. rules & regulations d. rewards & consequences

Answers: 2

Another question on World Languages

World Languages, 23.06.2019 13:30
Which of the following is a good strategy for finding the meaning of an unfamiliar word? (5 points) put the book down and do something else for at least 30 minutes. count the syllables in the word and find others that are similar in length. make inferences about the meaning based on the words around it. keep reading past that word so that you can continue with the story.
Answers: 2
World Languages, 24.06.2019 22:00
Como se chama o presidente de angola?
Answers: 1
World Languages, 26.06.2019 07:40
Ecoul il mana catre pestera purpurie dintre dealuri,trezind din vise pastratori adormiti. pluti apoi printre trestiile raului,si trestiile ii dusera solia catre apele marii." (oscar wilde,printul fericit) •analizeaza atributele adjectivale si substantivale si enuntul urmator,completand tabelul dat: |tipuri de atribut| |partea de vorbire| |cazul| multumesc,anticipat.
Answers: 3
World Languages, 26.06.2019 19:00
Enade, 2005 – adaptada) "a respeito dos estudos comparativos, a resposta de weber foi a elaboraç? o de "tipos ideais", que constituem um dispositivo generalizante, um modelo heurístico, sobre o qual era possível aplicar a comparaç? o. nas suas explicaç? es históricas comparadas, weber rejeita sempre a hipótese de leis ou de monocausalidade; ele pensa, portanto, que um evento pode ter diversas causas e que conjuntos diversos de causas podem ter o mesmo efeito. a validade das comparaç? es em weber provém das suas construç? es empíricas dos processos de induç? o e de introspecç? o mais do que de uma verificaç? o causal de hipóteses. paola rebughini. a comparaç? o qualitativa de objetos complexos e o efeito da reflexividade. in: alberto melluci (org.) por uma sociologia reflexiva: pesquisa qualitativa e cultura. petrópolis: vozes, 2005, p. 242 (com adaptaç? es)." a partir do fragmento de texto, avalie as seguintes afirmaç? es:
Answers: 1
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Company a has beanbag chairs and large tables instead of traditional office furniture. employees are...
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